Construction 2018-03-09

It is required a prior authorization of AAC when a new aerodrome is constructed or in case of modification of the physical characteristics of an existing aerodrome.

The physical characteristics considered are:

  • orientation, resistance, dimensions and types of pavements, slope, elevation and geographic coordinates of the runway;
  • location, configuration, dimensions, resistance and types of pavements of the circulation path and aircraft platform;
  • construction or expansion of constructions in the patrimonial area of aerodromes;
  • construction or modification of access to the restricted security areas.


Consultation with other entities of the Public Administration

The interested party should request the analysis of projects of new construction or major modifications at aerodromes, to the General Directorate of the Environment and the National Security Commission, before proceeding with the construction or modification of physical characteristics.

The deadline established by the AAC for the analysis of applications concerning the construction processes is ninety (90) days, as established by CV CAR 14.


Notice of Termination of Construction

Once the construction or modification of the characteristics is completed, the interested party must send the notice of termination to the AAC.

After completion of the construction, the concerned person is not authorized to immediately use the new airport infrastructure, nor does the notice of the termination of the construction sent to AAC sufficient to open the air traffic of the new infrastructure or of new aerodrome.

Tags: Aeroporto
